Friday, November 18, 2011

IPPR Project

This last week, I completed a mid-term reflective project for school. The only instructions we had for this project was to do something...ANYTHING...that reflects on either the patient-physician relationship or our vision for the future practice or something that we have learned about patients. So, basically everything about the project was up to us. Well, the three year old living inside of me decided that the best idea was to write a children's book. I have always loved to write, hence the blog; so, I was actually pretty excited about this idea.

The book is about a little Duck, named Dudley, who wakes up sick. His mom suggests that he goes to the doctor, but he is scared and does not want to go. In the end, he does go and learns that physicians are there to help. He feels much better and learns that going to the doctors is the best thing to do when you are sick.  The book ends with the following message:

This tale of Dudley goes to show, 
When you feel ill, to the doctor you go! 
For doctors will take care of your sickness and flu, 
While also making sure the emotional you is well too. 
Doctors will treat all patients with kindness and care, 
They look beyond fur, feathers or hair. 
Like Dudley, you too may get sick one day, 
But the doctors will always be there to make you feel okay. 

I was originally planning on typing in the entire book into this blog and inserting the illustrations. However, many of my classmates, family members and even faculty have suggested that I look into getting this book published. So, that is my next goal! That means, of course, that I will not be able to put everything in here. However, I promise that if my book gets published, I will provide the link and if it doesnt, I will evenutally type the book in this blog.

For now, here are some pictures of some of the pages:

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