Saturday, July 9, 2011


I officially enrolled in my first year medical school classes! Here is my list of classes for both my fall and spring semesters:

Fall Semester 2011
  1. Gross Anatomy: 6 credits
  2. Biochemistry: 3 credits
  3. Molecular Biology/Genetics: 2 credits
  4. Cell Biology & Physiology I: 3 credits
  5. Integrative Clinical Correlations: 2 credits
  6. Clinical Skills: 2 credits
  7. Year I Mentor Program: 1 credit
Spring Semester 2012
  1. Neuroscience: 4 credits
  2. Cell Biology & Physiology II: 4 credits
  3. Microbiology/Immunology: 5 credits
  4. Human Pathology: 2 credits
  5. Introduction to BIostatistics/Epidemiology: 2 credits
  6. Integrative Clinical Correlations: 1 credit
  7. Clinical Skills: 2 credits

Its all starting to feel so real! Only 42 days to orientation!! :) 

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