Saturday, July 16, 2011

Book Lists, Schedules, and Tests...Oh my!

Orientation Countdown: 35 days! 

More exciting emails came my way yesterday. I now have all of my information on the required books for my first semester, all of the equipment for my whole first year, my 2011-2012 academic calendar, and my first semester exam schedule!

So here is the breakdown....

Books: Each class has their own "coursepack" which includes all of the lectures and notes. From what I have heard, this is absolutely the best resource for any of the classes. On top of that, there are 20 other recommended/required books for these fall semester classes. As you can probably imagine, books would cost me an arm and leg if I had to buy all of them. So, thank god for S because he is letting me use basically all of the books. In fact, on the whole book list, I think I am only going to purchase 3 of them! :)

Supplies: This list was probably the most exciting because it actually had "doctor tools" on it! For my first year, I will need a lab coat, gloves, a blunt-tip metal dissection probe, a stethoscope, a blood pressure cuff, an otoscope/opthalmoscope, a penlight, a reflex hammer, a tape measure, a small plastic ruller, a wristwatch, a tuning fork, and an eye examination card. Again, I am so so so greatful for going to the same medical school as my boyfriend because using his stuff is obviously going to save me a lot of money also. In fact, the otoscope/opthalmoscope costs $600, so thats already a big chunk of change saved.

Schedule: I finally have all of my dates for finals, holidays, and breaks for my first year. Two of my best friends are getting married this year (one week apart) in late May/early June, so I have been trying to figure out exactly how I am going to make it to both of their weddings. Now that I have all of the dates, I can start to figure it out!

Tests: Lastly, I have 25 tests for the first semester...Basically every Monday I have at least one and on average each week I have at least two. My first test is in biochemistry and it is only 6 days in....(gulp).

1 comment:

  1. You have to buy your own otoscope/ophthalmoscope??? Crazy!! I never realized they were that expensive!

    I still don't have a penlight or a reflex hammer, worst med student ever.
