Saturday, April 7, 2012

1 Year Blog-aversary!

 Today marks the one year anniversary of my blog! It has been one of the best, most life-changing years of my life. So, I thought it would be nice to do a picture diary of some of highlights of my last year! 

After 8 years, this was my last summer working for CSD! 
Going away party! (Rafting portion)

Going away party! (Dinner portion)
Cross Country Road Trip: Yellowstone! 
Cross Country Roadtrip: Mount Rushmore
First week in Michigan! Meeting my roommates! 
Orientation Week: Community Service
White Coat Ceremony
Pretending to be a doctor, part 1: Surgery Scrub Session

Pretending to be a doctor part 2: Casting Clinic

Pretending to be a doctor part 3: Intubation Clinic
Joining Student Council

Working hard and playing hard!
(Anatomy flashcards at the bar) 
My first snow!
Trip to Disneyworld with S! 
Kelsey's Bachelorette Party in Vegas

Its been an amazing last year! I have learned an incredible amount in school, I have traveled to a lot of new places (all across America) and I have met the most amazing people (shout out to A team). I can't believe I am almost done with my first year of medical school already and can't wait to share with all of you blog readers what I am up to over the next three years! 

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe you're almost a second year!! I'm so proud of you! :)
