Sunday, May 13, 2012

Spring Semester... COMPLETE!

Another semester down! I finished my last final on the May 3rd and have been enjoying my much needed relaxing vacation (more on that later)! This semester went by SO fast! Its kind of crazy. Like I mentioned before, we had at least two (sometimes three) big exams every week during the semester, so they kept us quite busy, to say the least. So far, I have taken 53 medical school exams and a countless number of quizzes. CRAZZZZZZYYYYY.

Even though this semester was much more intense in terms of exams, I am happy to say I had a lot more free time than I did first semester. Instead of spending hours and hours in the anatomy lab in the evenings and weekends, I actually had this time free to study. So, even though we had lots of things to do, we had plenty of time to do them. It was fabulous. I felt much less stressed, managed my time much more easily, and actually performed better! I ended up with above a 90% average in all of my classes! My school is Pass/No Pass, so grades really don't matter at all...but there is a statistic that if you get a 90% in your classes, there is over a 99% first time pass-rate for the USMLE board exam. So, thats promising! 

As for now, tomorrow is the first day of our (short) summer semester! Only 7 weeks left until my real summer semester begins. However, even though I still have school, this semester's load seems quite light. I only have 3 classes: 

1) Pharmacology 
2) Radiology
3) Clinical Skills

Pharmacology is supposed to be challenging, but do-able. Radiology is supposed to be a cake class. Clinical Skills...well, for the first two weeks... I get to go play with babies in the nursery. So, I'm more excited than nervous about this semseter! Stay tuned if my prediction about this semester is correct! 

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