I'm currently sitting in a hotel room in DC. Why? Because interview season has officially begun!!!
I have survived my month of MICU (which, ugh, I am so so so glad that is over). Now, I have the next TWO MONTHS off to go all over the country doing my pediatrics interviews. Right now, I am scheduled to do 18 interviews, which is TOTALLLYYYY overkill, but I can't decide which ones to cancel, so that might just end up being what I do.
My schedule over the next two months is going to be insane in the membrane. Over the next three weeks alone, I go: Washington DC --> Phoenix --> Orange County --> Michigan --> Oregon --> San Francisco/Oakland--> Davis...Then, I get thanksgiving break - which means I can change my clothes, take a few days off and regroup. Its. Going. To. Be. Crazy.
So, here is interviews by the numbers so far:
30 programs applied to
24 interviews offered
18 interviews accepted
6 programs still to here from
0 rejections (so far, those 6 will probably turn into rejections soon lol)
I have been very encouraged so far! I know the interview is the most important part of the ranking process, so wish me luck that I can impress at least one of my favorites!!! :)