After finishing up my semester, I left for a week long trip to Boston and Las Angeles. S was interviewing for residency, so I decided to follow along and explore! I had never been to Boston, so I was very excited about that...and Los Angeles means re-visiting UCLA and going to Disneyland!
We left East Lansing on Monday morning to head to Detroit Metro Airport...We were scheduled to leave at around 1 PM, layover in Baltimore, and then arrive in Boston at 5 PM. However, after sitting in the airport with delays for a while, we were informed that our flight would be canceled, due to poor weather conditions in Baltimore. Luckily, S quickly called southwest and re-booked us on a flight only 1 hour later that went through Chicago then to Boston. We were able to hop on right away, and make it without any delays! The only downside: because of the change in flights, the airline misplaced my baggage for the night...thankfully, it was delivered to my hotel the next day.
After arriving in Boston, we (fairly easily) navigated through the subway/train system and arrived at our hotel: the Holiday Inn Brookline. From the long day of travel, we decided that it was a good day for an early bed time.
On our first train into the city! |
The next day, we woke up fairly early, ate breakfast in our hotel and then headed into town to do some historical site-seeing. Our first stop, the Boston Tea Party Re-enactment.
This was a really cool experience! [If any of you readers is ever planning on going to Boston, I highly recommend this]. We started out by meeting in a room that looks like an old school house. All of a sudden, a man dressed in Colonial clothing runs in, speaking Old English and begins rallying us together to fight against the British. Yes, it was the night before the Boston Tea Party and we were all being recruited to participate in this important moment of history. We then boarded the Boston Tea Party ship and through crates of tea overboard in to the Boston Harbor.
Throwing tea overboard! |
After the re-enactment, we were led to a tea shop where we sampled some tea and cookies. We then went through an interactive museum all about the American Revolution. It was a really fun site-seeing spot!
Boston Tea Party Gift Shop:
Boston LOVES their lobster memorabilia! |
After the Boston Tea Party, we asked a local what other things we could do nearby. They told us to go to the spot where the Boston Massacre occurred. We went to the spot, took some pictures, went to the museum, and listened to an interesting talk about different perspectives of what happened that night in Boston.
We then decided it was time to go back to the hotel. S had to get ready for his residency dinner (which always occur the night before the interviews). So, we went back, he got ready, I ordered room service and watched movies for the night! So relaxing! :)
Room Service + Grey's Anatomy |
The next day, S had to leave early to go to his interview bright and early. He started at 6:45 AM!!! I slept in, took my time getting ready, and then took a free shuttle over to the Harvard Hospitals location. I brought my First Aid Board review book with me (so that I can one day pass my boards and get a residency spot too haha), sat down in the lobby of the hospital, and waited for S to finish.
Once he was done, we both went together to walk down the road the Harvard Medical School. In their library, they have a little museum (
Warren Anatomical Museum) where they had Phineas Gage's skull! So, this science nerd obviously needed to see that!
After we left the museum, we headed back to our hotel to get ready for the night. Our plans: see the Boston Ballet's "The Nutcracker". I have always loved seeing the Nutcracker...I don't think that there is anything more Christamassy than I couldn't wait.
The ballet was absolutely beautiful and it was so fun to dress-up and pretend to be cultured for the night!
After the ballet, we went home and went right to bed. We had to be up very early the next day, because it was time to leave Boston and time to move on to our next city: Los Angeles!